• HUAYI Human Brain Development Research Mechanism Corp



The real story of 5000 year to offer Hakka people in Taiwan【Huayi Mechanism】
These articles are interpreted with the Chinese characters which have the same real functions, mechanisms and effectiveness as original substance instead of those languages as forms of symbols. Chinese characters, composed by numbers from 0, and 1 to 9, are dimensional, living words with the same mechanism and effectiveness as everything, which is also the same as the program of the creation and the mechanism of atoms. However, it is hard for us to translate them ideally in English because they have the same mechanisms with original substance. We sincerely invite those who are not only good at English but also willing to share and take part in this activity to accomplish this English version together which is going to be able to achieve the mission of the terminal creatures to solve the problems of mankind and the world and to help mankind upgrade to another level which fits the origin with the suitable ecology and technologies.
The real story of 5000 year to offer Hakka people in Taiwan
(attached files include : Introduction
 video of Human Brain Holy Place;
360 degree video of HBHP;
 picture of TopMorale)
I am the descendant of 千六郎 on Wu’s genealogy of Chinese Fu-Jein province, and the 23th grandchildren of 乃華, who was 16th grandchildren who first came to Taiwan. As to Confucius’s explanation, The name of Wu’s first ancestor泰伯公 means top morale(至德), so 乃華 build up a house and named it top morale house(至德堂), where I extended HuaYi mechanism from.
There are 2 phases of how this happened, The first one is doing it when I totally did not know why before; the second one is what I did to confirm afterwards.
For the first one, I used to visit geographical specialists often to ask them where is the only and biggest lair (where is the center of the earth), and accidentally found that biggest unique lair in New Taipei City Gong-Liao district and Ji-Lin neighborhood. And then I do not know why that I kept thinking of going Shanghai to position it the center of world business center, and to build up a integration marketing center. And, after the center of Shanghai was settled, I do not know why, either, that I was dying for going to Gong-Ga mountain in Shi-Chun, to set up the center for Chinese to lead and burden the whole world, and then I finally came back to Taiwan from Ya-An by way of Shun-Shi.
After that, through many years of afterwards confirmation, and I finally understood there are definitely reason for all those to have happened. According to what had happened after乃華 had come to Taiwan, he came here to perform the re-leveling of Chinese and settle down how Chinese is going to make mankind complete. And for me to find the center of the earth is to tell mankind how the origin wants us to do, how to match the origin to get complete never-ending elements; to make human achieve the completion of human makeup; to abide with the original property of objects to create better technology to solve the problems of mankind; to hatch up the essence  of 5000 year culture to make it turn out to be dimensional, living, numerical, object-original-property-matching, tech-matching characters and mechanisms to come to this world to make mankind able to make out better and complete technology.
And for human to be good and ever-lasting, as to us Wu’s family, the dead body cannot be put into the lobby, instead it can only be positioned in the side room, which equals that we do not admit mortality of human, which also means a warranty that the heirs must finish this mission. Although there might be different point of views, but according to the specialty of Chinese, and the functionality of modern science and reality, it approves more that it is right for our family not to admit a man is mortal. Even, This is what human at all finally want to pursue. Moreover, I personally am the heir of the elder son of 黃帝, who represent Chinese race, which need to do the substitution and leveling up.
All these processes, signs and the essence for Chinese 5000 year culture, when we match them with the HuaYi mechanism hatched up here, the whole procedure including 乃華 came to Taiwan; transformation of monarchy to democracy for all mankind, Taiwan lead to perform the Chinese essence to convert and level for 120 degrees. All these, are they not the two sides of a body of the completion of 1 in 1234, and the re-leveling of the origin of 5000 year essence-黃帝? That also equals the completion of the undone job of him; And it is also correct that the surname Wu is from the elder son of黃帝 that we take his job and finish it; At last, as for the HuaYi mechanism hatched up from the 5000 year essence of Chinses, is it not the same as 黃帝 shows up again ?
Best Regards
By Song-Tsai Wu
June 18th, 2015
E-mail : huaxia@huayi.org.tw


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